Saturday, February 26, 2005

Click the link. Do it. Now.

C'mon. I know you want to.

Hell. Yes. I'm home on this Saturday night. I have a fever, now nearing 39. I am a little groggy... well, uhm... a tad bit more groggy than I want to be.

And I'm missing someone so bad. Argh. *praying that he does not see this...*

So here I am. Blogging away.

Dammit. I need a drink.

Oh, yeah. c'mon, click on the freaking link.

How To Dance Properly <--------


Anonymous said...

hope you're feeling better. must be the long drought (read-between-the-lines harhar). it's 5:30am and laughing my heart out, hilarious dance steps! how did you get to that? louie must see it and can you teach me how to do "make love to the crowd"?

... beachfreak said...

@melo-mel: :lol: I knew you'd like! I got it from a link somewhere, err, i honestly cannot remember. :) Pinag-aaralan ko pa ang mga dance moves, then I'll teach it. Bwahahaha!