Oh yeah. Anyway, let's backtrack a bit... Got off from work at around 1:30am, the earliest time we've logged out in 4 weeks. Raffy Bogus was going to dj again in Government that night, so he texted me to join him. Alvin, Shaba, Stephen and Miel were already there. So after work, I went straight to Makati Ave. We, well, they had 2 pitchers of the Long Island Iced Tea, which in my opinion just tasted Long Island, no Iced Tea. Ang tapang, sobra. Anyway, while the queers were having fun groping each other, we were just dancing and drinking.
Shaba got wasted. the first time I saw Shaba really drunk. By 330am, we took Shaba to Raffy's car. He was so wasted we had to let him rest for like an hour and a half, half-sprawled on the pavement. Ahahaha! Laugh trip but he was okay naman. By 5am we were on the road to my house.
Since I had work today at 1pm, I was resolved to sleep once I get home. So I fixed myself then went straight to bed, laid down and closed my eyes, relaxed. But, hell, I couldn't sleep. Argh. I toss and turned, and when I looked at my phone it was already 7am. Ack! Pagod na pagod ako, but still no sleep. I mean, I was thinking and pondering on some things, but kaya ko namang itulog yun. Hmmm. Then I remembered, I had coffee before I logged out of the office. P*7@! hayup talaga. I think I fell asleep right after that realization. Hehehhee. Woke up at around 11am, then by 1230pm I arrived here in the office.
Whew. Happy Christmas!
Uhhmmm.... did I mention I am in the office today?